Fulgent Opt Out Letters
“This letter is to inform you the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will not participate in COVID-19 registering or testing with Fulgent Genetics Corporation (Fulgent), due to the fact the DNA data obtained is not guaranteed to be safe and secure from foreign governments and “will likely be shared with the Republic of China.””
“I do not authorize any “persons” outside myself, to obtain, analyze, retain, or disclose my “genetic samples, genetic test, genetic characteristic, or genetic information.” I am explicitly protected by GINA and Genetic Information Privacy Act .”
If you Did Not sign up with Fulgent Genetics
“Genetic Information” is protected by the right of privacy, pursuant to Article I of Section 1 of the California Constitution notwithstanding subdivision (c) of Section 56.10, or any other law, shall not be obtained, analyzed, retained, or disclosed without the written authorization of the individual to whom the information pertains. Each violation of this section is counted as a separate and actionable offense, with penalties associated. I do not authorize any “persons” outside myself to obtain, analyze, retain, or disclose my “genetic samples, genetic test, genetic characteristic, or genetic information.”
If you Did NOT sign up with Fulgent Genetics, you may submit the two letters below. First one is putting in writing your authorization, and revoking any authorization your employment may have. Protected by SB-41 https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billCompareClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB41&showamends=false
SB-41 Privacy-Genetic Testing companies (2021), goes into effect 2022. You are protected under GINA, a federal law protecting your genetic information. You do not have to consent and you cannot be discriminated against. Follow the steps below.
Use this OPT OUT Template for Fulgent.
Submit this Revoking Authorization Letter to your HR department or Supervisor. Template Letter Attached Here.
Submit this “Important Information Regarding My Genetic Information” to your employment, supervisor, or HR. You have rights and you have choices, regarding your genetic information. Attached Here.
If you are being threatened with termination or discipline, you will now send this to your supervisor. Download Here:
““The person shall permit an individual to revoke an authorization signed pursuant to subdivision (g) at any time. ”
If you Already Signed up for Fulgent Genetics
Fulgent Packet. If you already signed up through Fulgent, you may revoke your authorization. You may modify the templates as needed. If you submit any or all of these letters, PERK is not responsible or liable if your employment retaliates against you. We offer these as a guide and resource to help you advocate for yourself. Follow all three steps below.
Submit this Revoking Authorization Letter to your HR department or Supervisor. Template Letter Attached Here.
Follow the instructions and send this email directly to Fulgent Genetics privacy department and revoke your authorization and consent. Attached HERE.
Send Important Information Regarding My Genetic Information to both Fulgent Genetics and your employment. Attached Here.
You may also use this OPT OUT Template with your HR.
Fulgent Genetics explicitly states, it checks for RNA genetic material. Under frequently asked questions, Fulgent states no DNA is extracted, but instead RNA is[1]. “Picture Genetics,” Powered by Fulgent, states on their website that “samples are discarded after testing.” However, the privacy policy[2], terms of agreement[3], and notice of privacy practices[4] documents state otherwise. You have to opt out of the research, and other purposes. See direct quotes below:
Under certain circumstances, we may use or disclose your Protected Health Information for research purposes.
We may contribute de-identified genetic variants that we have observed…
Services to publicly available databases.
We may use or disclose de-identified patient information for general research purposes. This may include research collaborations with third parties, such as universities, hospitals, or other laboratories, including commercial collaborations with private companies, …and we may present or publish such information.
We may collect ,“The sample material involving genetic data.”
[1] https://www.fulgentgenetics.com/covid19/molecular
[2] https://www.fulgentgenetics.com/content/EP-Privacy_Policy-V1.pdf
[3] https://www.fulgentgenetics.com/content/EP-Terms_of_Service-V1.pdf
[4] https://www.fulgentgenetics.com/content/EP-HIPAA_Privacy_Notice-V1.pdf
“My Rights Regarding My Genetic Information:
• I have the right to limit the purposes for which my genetic information is used.
• I do not authorize any purposes for my genetic information.
• I am permitted to limit access to my genetic information to a certain person or persons.
• I am permitted to revoke this authorization at any time.
Please consider making a donation
as you utilize resources we provide for you
Other Resources
Union Withdrawal Letter
If your employer is mandating vaccination to remain in their employment, demand your union fight for you or you will withdraw your membership and dues.
Religious exemption template
Religious Exemption Template forms are provided above from FOR-US. Having said that, some people have great success not using a template, but instead following these instructions for a Religious Exemption provided by Children’s Health Defense California Chapter. Both are provided to you. If you require a Religious Affidavit, click on the box below.
Note from CHD-CA, “U.S. colleges/universities and some employers are starting to require COVID-19 vaccination for enrollment/employment. While medical exemptions must be supported by a letter from a medical professional, religious exemptions do not require the support or endorsement of an official clergy or recognized religious leader.”
Guidelines for residential vaccine strike team by Pacific Justice Institute.
Step-by-Step Guide to Pushing Back on Illegal Mandates in Middle & High Schools by Fact Law Truth Justice legal team. Letter from Parents Opposing the Vaccine Mandate template. Suggested steps for standing up to your child’s school’s illegal mandates, and protecting your child from further harm
Uniform Complaint Procedures in school districts.
A Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) complaint is a written and signed statement alleging a violation of federal or state laws or regulations, which may include an allegation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. A signature may be handwritten, typed (including in an email) or electronically generated. Complaints may be filed anonymously. A complaint filed on behalf of an individual student may only be filed by that student or that student's duly authorized representative. If the complainant is unable to put the complaint in writing, due to conditions such as a disability or illiteracy, the local agency shall assist the complainant in the filing of the complaint.
Organizations with helpful resources
Physicians for Informed Consent
Children’s Health Defense California Chapter
Fact Law Truth Justice - Nicole Pearson, Esq.