The W.H.O Pandemic Treaty
The World Health Assembly, made up of WHO member nations, will meet in Geneva, Switzerland from May 27 to June 1. They'll be talking about and approving changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the "WHO Pandemic Agreement," both of which are treaties. It's vital to raise awareness about this significant WHO initiative.

We have a rare opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the world! By demanding our legislators Support H.R 1425, S.Res 81, and S.444, we can ensure that our rights and freedoms are protected from the proposed WHO treaty and IHR amendments. As well as demanding President Biden not violate the U.S. Constitution by entering into the forthcoming World Health Assembly (WHA) multi-national pandemic-related agreement without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate.
What You Can Do:
1. Click on these ICAN Legislate/PERK Advocacy Action Campaigns to urge your state and federal lawmakers to demand that the administration submit any pandemic related treaties for the Senate’s consent by supporting bills H.R. 1425, S.Res. 81, and S.444. And demand President Biden not violate the Constitution.
2. Call your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representatives to support House Resolution 1425; Senate Resolution 444; and Senate Resolution 81.
Demand that the President not violate the U.S. Constitution
Stand alongside 49 United States Senators and 22 Attorneys General.
Reject proposed amendments to The WHO Treaty. It infringes on the US Constitution.
3. Share these campaigns with your family and friends via social media.
ICAN Legislate and PERK Advocacy take action campaign links here:
WHO Treaty Campaign #1
Demand that President Biden not violate the U.S. Constitution by entering into the forthcoming World Health Assembly (WHA) multi-national pandemic-related agreement without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. We must ensure that our rights are protected from the proposed WHO treaty and IHR amendments.
WHO Treaty Campaign #2
Protect U.S. Sovereignty and Medical Freedom. Support H.R.1425 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. S.Res. 81: World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Implementation Resolution, S.444 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act