Follow The Silenced

Get Tickets Now to the latest Mikki Willis film including the world premier of Follow The Silenced.

Dear PERK Members,

We are grateful for your continuous dedication to this movement.  We are excited to share with you that two of Mikki Willis latest films are premiering at the Santa Monica Film Festival on March 15th. 

Mikki Willis shares, “After four years in production, Follow the Silenced is an unflinching documentary about everyday Americans who suffered serious injuries immediately following their COVID-19 vaccinations. Abandoned by their doctors, the U.S. government, and pharmaceutical companies, they form a community to heal one another and give voice to the voiceless.”

Many of you know people who are vaccine injured from covid shots.  Our heart goes out to them.  So many have suffered from horrific injuries that changed their lives and their health permanently. The stories and important message from the vaccine injured must get out there. 

Let’s fill the theatre with overwhelming support for all those vaccine injured featured in the film.  Let’s wrap them in our love, support, and prayers as many are bearing a heavy burden from their injuries.

You can purchase tickets to attend Mikki Willis new film premier of Follow The Silenced.

You don’t want to miss this. 

See you there!

Amy Bohn

Buy tickets here.

WINNING! West Virginia Will Now Provide Religious and Moral Exemptions for School Vaccine Mandates!

“West Virginia’s new governor, Governor Patrick Morrisey, signed an Executive Order on January 14, 2025, formally providing the right to religious exemptions from mandatory vaccines for school children in his state—a historic feat following two ICAN-funded litigations. West Virginia now joins the other 45 states that recognize Americans’ inherent religious freedom!” - ICAN press release.

One day after his inauguration, Governor Morrisey signed an Executive Order allowing students to request exemptions from vaccine requirements for state schools and childcare centers based on religious or moral beliefs.

The Executive Order outlines West Virginia's "Equal Protection for Religion Act," passed in 2023, which aligns with the First Amendment. It states that the state cannot interfere with a person's religious freedom. The new Executive Order builds on this Act, affirming that West Virginians can refuse vaccines for religious or moral reasons and sets up a way to request exemptions. This is similar to a recent court decision in Mississippi, where ICAN successfully restored religious exemptions. After restoring the religious exemption for students in Mississippi, ICAN’s lawyers, supported by ICAN, filed two lawsuits for West Virginia parents wanting religious exemptions for their children's vaccinations. Both cases are still ongoing but have already seen early victories.

ICAN has been consistently leading the way with impactful litigation efforts throughout the country on this important subject. Only four states left—New York, California, Connecticut, and Maine—to complete ICAN’s "Free the Five" effort to bring back religious exemptions in every U.S. state! Visit the ICAN website to explore and learn more about their ongoing legal endeavors and initiatives that are shaping the landscape of educational rights and parental freedoms. To support future legal work like this, click here to donate!